0.25mL x 100 Cavities Troche Mold Two Count
0.25mL x 100 Cavities Troche Mold Troche Dimensions
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
0.25mL x 100 Cavities Troche Mold
0.25mL x 100 Cavities Troche Mold
Reusable RD Troche Mold (0.25mL x 100 cavities)

Reusable RD Troche Mold (0.25mL x 100 cavities)

Sale price$ 379.00
SKU: RD025-1001


Traditional troches are larger than necessary for most prescriptions, and notorious for being difficult for patients to remove from the disposable plastic mold.  In addition, they are slowly absorbed due to their large size, and their shape is somewhat uncomfortable as they oftentimes have with sharp corners.

Compounding pharmacist and president of TICKERWORKS Dr. Moses Perez, Pharm.D.  decided it was time for improvement, and developed the technology for compounding pharmacies like yours to compound troches hassle-free. Anti-stick spray and onerous filling processes no longer have a place in the compounding lab. 

R.D. Troche Molds from TICKERWORKS are heat-resistant, chemical resistant, firm, and built for productivity. The R.D. Troche Mold contains one-hundred cavities, and each cavity has a 0.25 mL volume capacity. The cavity is scored for patients to easily cut the troche into halves or quarters if needed, to accommodate specific dosage needs. Take advantage of our pour & disperse technology: rather than filling individual troche cavities one at a time, your compounding staff can now fill hundreds at a time.

R.D. Troche Molds are available in different package configurations. For pharmacies building up their troche business, we recommend the Entry level package. It comes with two molds and our most popular formulas to help your pharmacy start compounding from day one. 

The R.D. Troche Mold Standard package is the right package for most pharmacies who already have a patient population using troches. This package has three troche molds and comes with three formulas. After your purchase you'll receive new formulas as TICKERWORKS adds to our formulary.

The Advanced Package is ideal for pharmacies that compound multiple prescriptions every day, or compound hundreds of troches of the same medication and strength at the same time. For existing clients, the option to build your own package with different molds may be available. 


Cavities: 100
Cavity Volume: 0.25 mL
Maximum API:  ~75 mg
Heat Resistance: 302 °F
Mold Dimensions: 7.8 x 7.2 x 0.5 in
Troche Dimensions: 10.91 x 9.64 x 2.67 mm
Blister Packaging Recommendation: Fits into Medi-Cup© mini-Blisters (MD125/425) 
(Medi-cup© is a trademark of Medi-Dose, Inc)

SKU: RD025-1001, RD025-1002, RD025-1003, RD025-1007


  • Superior patient comfort for increased patient adherence
  • Common sense size of 0.25 mL per cavity for easier formulations
  • Fits up to ~75 mg of API per cavity
  • Smallest size of any readily-available compounding troche mold
  • Troche dissolves faster
  • Faster absorption of the active drug
  • Capability to easily cut troche into quarters
  • Troches are easily transferable from mold to final packaging
  • High density food-grade silicone is heat resistant up to 302° F 
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Chemical resistant and resistant to harsh laboratory environments
  • Versatile segmented rows and cavity groups for controlled pouring
  • Cleaning validation report
  • Estimated Annual ROI: $11,500+ USD


  • Increased R.D Troche Molds
  • Increased 3.5x3.5" Scraping Spatulas
  • Formulas + Ongoing Release* 
  • Formula Conversion Support (limited)
  • Marketing Tools 
  • Referrals
  • 30-Days Money Back Guarantee
  • One Year Full Warranty

This mold is also available from PCCA (Professional Compounding Centers of America) in different configurations. Contact your PCCA representative to learn more. 

All molds must be calibrated by the recipient upon receipt to ensure optimal performance and accuracy.